Vendor Maintenance - Enable Handover Upgrade - 26/09


Maintenance has been completed successfully, with normal traffic levels being observed.
If you are without service and in the Enable UFB area, please restart your router.

Planlagt vedlikehold

During 11PM 26/09 to 6AM 27/09, Enable will be performing an upgrade to their network infrastructure and our handover, which will impact all Enable UFB broadband circuits in Christchurch.
This is part of a larger scope of work being completed within Enable’s network to upgrade network switching and infrastructure.
During this window, our engineers will be monitoring circuit restorations. If after the window has closed you do not have connectivity, please attempt to turn off your router for 2-3 minutes before powering back on, then contact support if not resolved.
Backup contingency date for this work is 03/10-04/10.

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