Maintenance - Routing Filter Changes 02/12


Engineers have completed the majority of works required as part of this maintenance and thank you for your patience.
We will be extending this maintenance further to monitor the network closely with normal traffic volumes to ensure any lingering issues are fully resolved, before closing off this maintenance.

Onderhoud Gepland

During the maintenance window defined, our networks team will be making changes to our routing filters and internal routing methods to optimise our route selection and failover processes.
This is a significant piece of work which has been through a wealth of planning and will be executed in stages across our network during this early morning maintenance window.
Small outages at various points within the network are expected as new routing filters propagate throughout our network and to our external network peers.
Alongside major improvements in our network routing, this maintenance will also enable the ability for IP Transit customers to utilise both BGP inform & action communities, enabling customers to perform in-depth traffic engineering.
If you have any queries about this maintenance, please contact our support team.

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