Rural Wireless Internet

Hazard Notification - Vetta wireless planned power outage


This maintenance has been cancelled due to Level 4 restrictions, and will be rescheduled in future.


Due to maintenance being carried out by the local lines company, power will be turned off to a site providing connectivity to many customers within the Vetta wireless coverage in the Totara Valley, Pleasant Point, Waitohi, Levels, Seadown & Washdyke areas.
While the site has battery backup power, mitigations will be put in place by way of a backup generator to continue service as normal during the planned power outage period, however the risk of a full power outage is still possible, thus this serves as a hazard notice of a possible outage despite our best mitigation efforts.
Our team will be monitoring the situation closely during the lines company planed power off event window below to ensure service is continued as much as possible.
Start date/time: 24/08/21 7:00pm
End date/time: 25/08/21 4:00am