RBI Internet

RBI Connectivity - Pleasant Point & Washdyke


This issue has now been confirmed as fully resolved as at 1900 yesterday.
If you are continuing to experience issues, please get in touch with our team on 0508 4 INTERNET or +64 3 222 6200.


This issue appears to be resolved, however we have not received an official update.
We will confirm in the morning. If you are continuing to experience issues, please attempt restarting your RBI router.

Rozpoznany problem

Downer engineers are currently on-site at the two affected towers in Pleasant Point and Washdyke, and are working on repair of the defunct equipment.
This is being worked on as a top priority. We appreciate your understanding during this time.


We are seeing issues with RBI connections connecting to the Pleasant Point and Washdyke cell towers.
This has been confirmed upstream and raised as a priority 1 fault. Downer is currently en-route to replace the failed equipment at each site.
This outage will be causing intermittent connectivity to RBI customers connecting to these cell towers.