Information and updates on the health of the Vetta Online (AS64073) network.

For information on LFC specific outages, please refer to the below status pages.


Vendor Maintenance - TFF Hamilton - 01/04



Recent History

No events for 2 days!
Maintenance - Firmware updates - 27/03
11 Affected Services:
No events for 7 days!
Vendor Maintenance - Chorus Auckland & Wellington HOLs - 18/03
2 Affected Services:
Maintenance - Core switching updates - 19/03
12 Affected Services:
Incident - FWA/RBI/4G Connectivity - 18/03
3 Affected Services:
Vendor Maintenance - Chorus Auckland & Wellington HOLs - 17/03
2 Affected Services:
Incident - South Island connectivity - 17/03
4 Affected Services:
No events for 4 days!
Urgent Maintenance - External pathing changes - 13/03
10 Affected Services:
No events for 6 days!
Maintenance - Link replacement - 07/03
11 Affected Services:
Incident - Hamilton Services - 06/03
3 Affected Services:
No events for 5 days!
Hazard Notice - Authentication TLS Updates - 01/03
3 Affected Services: